European Chambers Cocktail Party - video | The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ)

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Thu 20 October 2011

European Chambers Cocktail Party - video

European Chambers Cocktail Party - video

On September 28, at ANA Intercontinental Hotel, more than 200 participants from 12 European Chambers in Japan, joined the 2nd annual European Chambers Cocktail Party.

The event was organized by CCIFJ (French Chamber), and co-organized by European Chambers in Japan : DIHKJ (German), BCCJ (British), FCCJ (Finish), ABC (Austrian), BLCCJ (Belgian-Luxembourg), DCCJ (Danish), ICCJ (Italian), SCCIJ (Swiss), SCCJ (Swedish), NoCCJ (Norway) and NCCJ (Dutch).
With the kind support of European Business Council in Japan / EU Chamber of Commerce in Japan.

Discover the video of this memorable event >>>